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Topic: Life
09/13/2018It is, as they say, a nice problem to have: You have been successful at making money. You/your advisors are competent at managing money. And now you want to give some of it away through a pro-active charitable giving strategy. But knowing how to give money away effectively feels daunting. ... Keep Reading "How to get good at charitable giving" >
07/19/2018Looking to indulge in some quality downtime with summer reading at the beach or cottage? Here is a list of recent favourite reads from the Newport team. There’s something for everyone – a diversified mix of history, politics, business, sports, comics and behavioural finance. Last Hope ... Keep Reading "Newport’s summer reading list" >
As a new parent myself, I know that raising a family is costly. Even more so for families who pay for their children (or grandchildren) to attend private school. For example, at a private school in my Toronto neighbourhood, tuition is roughly $21,000 annually, per child, for grades 1-8, and ... Keep Reading "How to save $15,000 a year on private school tuition" >
01/25/2017It used to be, a secure retirement income was generated from a balanced portfolio of stocks and bonds. Bonds were the stabilizing force that provided income and offset equity risk. And for more than two decades, bonds have provided excellent returns. But with interest rates rising, the outlook ... Keep Reading "Is your retirement income secure in bonds?" >
12/09/2016Whether you’re still searching for the right read for someone on your gift list, or you want to indulge in some quality downtime yourself this holiday season, here are some book suggestions from the Newport wealth management team. There’s something for everyone — a diversified mix ... Keep Reading "Newport’s holiday reading list" >
01/07/2016To help you plan for 2016, we offer this month-by-month guide to organizing and optimizing your financial affairs. Keep Reading "Financial planning checklist – 2016" >
If there is one question that is common to almost all Newport Private Wealth clients it is this: "How much money do I need to retire without any worries I’ll outlive my capital?” Keep Reading "Retirement planning for the high-net-worth investor" >
A freak mid-November snow storm didn’t stop some twenty-five young adults from participating in Newport Private Wealth’s popular educational and networking forum, NextWave. Keep Reading "Millennials and money: are they ready for the responsibility of wealth?" >
Planning for retirement can be challenging. Attempting to balance your need for current income against the risk of outliving your savings is hard enough and, as it turns out, the federal government is not making things any easier. Keep Reading "Manage RRIF rules carefully – or you could run out of money" >
There comes a point when adult children should be asking certain questions of their parents to ensure that their financial affairs are in order. As parents age, achieving financial independence for retirement is a primary objective and effective planning should start well ahead of time. ... Keep Reading "How to talk to aging parents about their financial affairs" >