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Topic: Wealth
03/25/2019Federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau presented the 2019 Budget Plan on March 19th. Compared to past years, there are few significant measures in this budget and no tax rate reductions for individuals or corporations. This post summarizes some of the federal budget changes that are relevant to ... Keep Reading "What the federal budget means for you" >
01/23/2019The new year is a time when many people take a fresh approach to organizing their personal finances. It may be that you want to change some of the ways you’ve been doing things, or simply make sure you stay current with the practices you already have in place. To help you plan for 2019,... Keep Reading "Financial planning checklist – 2019" >
12/18/20181. Consider tax loss selling In a year when capital markets struggled, you may want to realize any losses in the current year, giving you the ability to offset realized capital gains in the current year and going back three years. Given market performance was stronger in 2015 and 2016, you may ... Keep Reading "6 financial tasks to do before year end" >
10/02/2018At a recent dinner party, there was a lot of chatter about what seems to be an explosion of newly-created wealth in Toronto with folks asking, “Where is it all coming from?” – especially given the pressures on traditional sources of wealth-creation such as manufacturing, mining and financial ... Keep Reading "Toronto tech scene creating new wealth" >
09/26/2018One of Newport’s guiding principles of wealth management is to share best practices with our clients. Charitable giving is important to many of our clients, some whom have undertaken amazing charitable projects over the years. Some give directly to charities and others have established private ... Keep Reading "My strategy for charitable giving" >
While we have been educating clients about Individual Pension Plans (IPP) for over ten years, recently, IPPs have been getting a lot of media attention, thanks to the changes to passive income rules for holding companies and professional corporations. What’s all the fuss about? An IPP is an ... Keep Reading "Is an Individual Pension Plan (IPP) right for me?" >
09/13/2018It is, as they say, a nice problem to have: You have been successful at making money. You/your advisors are competent at managing money. And now you want to give some of it away through a pro-active charitable giving strategy. But knowing how to give money away effectively feels daunting. ... Keep Reading "How to get good at charitable giving" >
08/29/2018With Labour Day approaching, we got thinking about the role of work and why we work, prompted by some research that concludes a surprising number of very wealthy people are choosing to work rather than retire. A Spectrem Group survey of U.S. investors with a net worth of $25 million or more ... Keep Reading "Why some wealthy don’t retire" >
In recent months, we’ve had numerous enquiries from individuals who are retiring or leaving their employment and wondering if they should keep or commute their defined benefit corporate pension plan. In this post, we’ll outline what it means to commute a pension and describe a real-life client ... Keep Reading "Should I keep or commute my company pension plan?" >
06/26/2018It’s hard to believe we’re half-way through 2018 already. How are you doing against the financial priorities you set for yourself? Has it been awhile since you checked your progress? Earlier this year, we provided our annual financial planning checklist to make it easy to assess. Everyone’s ... Keep Reading "Ready for your 6-month (financial) check-up?" >