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There has been a lot of news recently about financial troubles at certain Canadian real estate companies and non-bank lenders. It might cause investors to wonder if real estate as an asset class is still an attractive investment. Like so many things, it depends. At Newport Private Wealth, real ... Keep Reading "Real estate volatility on the rise – adversity or opportunity?" >
03/16/2017Recently, we have seen a lot of so-called “balanced portfolios” from prospective investors with one of two concerns. Either they have a typical 40%-50% weighting in bonds that earns meagre returns, or in search of higher returns, they have 70%-80% of the portfolio invested in ... Keep Reading "Is your balanced portfolio truly balanced?" >
03/13/2017The federal government announced last week that it will table its budget on March 22nd – putting an end to the guessing game. Speculation remains rampant about possible changes to capital gains taxation. Rumours are circulating that the federal government may increase the capital gains ... Keep Reading "Possible changes to capital gains taxation" >
It’s a real-life Hollywood success story. Snap, the L.A.-based parent company of the popular Snapchat app, is going public with an IPO set for later this week. With the company’s value estimated at around $20 billion, many employees will become millionaires — its founders ... Keep Reading "Financial advice for the ‘Snapchat millionaires’" >
01/25/2017It used to be, a secure retirement income was generated from a balanced portfolio of stocks and bonds. Bonds were the stabilizing force that provided income and offset equity risk. And for more than two decades, bonds have provided excellent returns. But with interest rates rising, the outlook ... Keep Reading "Is your retirement income secure in bonds?" >
01/02/2017If smarter financial planning is on your list of new year’s resolutions, this month-by-month checklist will be a helpful start. Some items have deadlines. So you may want to note key dates in your calendar. Others are not time-sensitive, but we’ve scheduled them for certain months ... Keep Reading "Financial planning checklist for 2017" >
12/30/2016Wondering where to invest in 2017? It’s a good question — one the Newport Investment Committee spends a lot of time assessing and managing. In times like these, we think it is more important than ever to have broad asset class diversification in your investment portfolio — with ... Keep Reading "The search for investment bargains in 2017" >
12/09/2016Whether you’re still searching for the right read for someone on your gift list, or you want to indulge in some quality downtime yourself this holiday season, here are some book suggestions from the Newport wealth management team. There’s something for everyone — a diversified mix ... Keep Reading "Newport’s holiday reading list" >
A new chapter of populist politics was written in the United States last night with Donald Trump’s stunning victory over Washington insider Hillary Clinton in the most divisive election in recent U.S. history. Polls leading up to election night showed a tight race but with most pundits giving ... Keep Reading "Is your asset mix positioned for Trump victory?" >
01/07/2016To help you plan for 2016, we offer this month-by-month guide to organizing and optimizing your financial affairs. Keep Reading "Financial planning checklist – 2016" >