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10/01/2013As part of our NextWave program of financial education for young adults in their 20s and 30s, we have put together a checklist outlining some important financial elements that parents, or even grandparents, may wish to consider. Keep Reading "Baby checklist" >
05/22/2013Recently we held the second event in our NextWave series, an educational and networking forum designed for adult children of affluent families. Our goal is to provide information on financial matters and help them to better manage their wealth – all in a fun, informal atmosphere. Despite ... Keep Reading "Our second NextWave event a success!" >
02/12/2013Today’s Globe & Mail High Net Worth section featured Newport Private Wealth in a piece by journalist Paul Brent entitled Don’t let your money spoil the kids. It deals with the issues, desires, opportunities and complications of wealthy baby boomers assisting their offspring ... Keep Reading "Passing wealth on now, later, ever?" >
01/31/2013Yesterday’s Globe and Mail included an interesting article by Boyd Erman on the impact of “convexity” on bond prices. That is, the measure of the sensitivity of the price of a bond to changes in interest rates. As advisors, we try to avoid jargon like volatility, duration, correlation and ... Keep Reading "Convexity and bonds" >
12/18/2012At the end of November we held our launch event for NextWave, Newport Private Wealth’s initiative for young adults to help them become better equipped at managing wealth. We had a tremendous turnout with over 40 young adults in attendance for an evening of networking and a brief introduction to ... Keep Reading "Engaging the next generation" >
12/05/2012‘Catalyst funding’ is a notion commonly associated with business, health care and even the not-for-profit sector. It describes investments that are made to accelerate the development of an innovation or strategy. The theory being that with such funding, desired outcomes can be achieved faster ... Keep Reading "Catalyst funding… for families?" >
Wealthy baby boomers are retiring and the ‘Great Transfer’ of wealth is well underway. Yet, according to the 2012 U.S. Trust Insights on Wealth and Worth Survey, more than two-thirds of parents believe their children are not adequately prepared to handle wealth. This is not surprising because ... Keep Reading "Filling the knowledge gap for the young affluent" >
Wealth management is a tag line used by many financial advisors to describe their services. It’s a familiar term but what does it actually mean and, more importantly, what should it mean? Wikipedia says “at the most general level, economists may define wealth as anything of value which captures ... Keep Reading "Wealth management is more than just financial" >
Some generous parents wish to assist their children to purchase a home, especially given today’s seemingly “out-of-reach” prices. An obstacle for simply gifting capital to children to purchase a home is the risk that a significant portion of the funds could be lost in the event of a marriage ... Keep Reading "A new way of helping your child to buy a home" >
09/26/2012You are now generating significant cash flow from your practice and have other decisions to make such as: What to do with the surplus cash? How much to save? How much to spend? What’s the best way to turn surplus cash flow into wealth? Keep Reading "Making the most of a mature dental practice" >