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In my insurance practice, I am meeting more and more baby boomers with the same predicament: they have a life insurance policy they no longer need, that has no cash value and annual premiums that are getting more and more expensive. It becomes a source of irritation to see cash going out the ... Keep Reading "Found money: How to unlock value from an old insurance policy" >
A recent article in the Financial Post concludes that spending by those who are retired declines with age and correspondingly wealth increases for those over 70 years of age. Our experience is quite the opposite among the higher net worth clients we have helped through retirement. In fact, I ... Keep Reading "Increased wealth after age 70? Don’t bet on it." >
A practical guide to conscious choices that will shape your family’s relationship with mon Keep Reading "Net worth. Self worth. What values will you pass on?" >
Many of my clients have adult children graduating from university and starting a new career. For many it’s the first time they have had to manage finances and plan for the longer term. Now is the time to establish good habits and attitudes that will last a lifetime. Here is my list of the top... Keep Reading "The top 10 things our children should know about money" >
05/09/2012Record warm temperatures made for a comfortable Canadian winter this year. But they’ve caused a chill in the energy market. Particularly natural gas prices which dropped to a 15 year low. What’s the cure? “Low gas prices” is the standard response from industry experts. Low prices spur demand ... Keep Reading "When will natural gas prices turn?" >
04/20/2012A guest blog by Dr. Julie A. Morton. Provocative new research at the University of California, Berkley, suggests that those of means ARE different from their more humble brethren, and NOT in ways that would make one proud. According to studies conducted by social psychologist Paul Piff and his ... Keep Reading "Does wealth breed selfishness?" >
As an independent professional woman, I’ve always bristled at the suggestion that there is somehow a difference in how I approach the management of my assets simply because of my gender. But having just come back from a Women Advisors’ Forum in the U.S. this week, I have to say there is a lot of... Keep Reading "What women want from their financial advisors" >
03/05/2012Last week a friend of mine asked us for help with his portfolio. His portfolio hadn’t made any money in eight years and he hasn’t made RRSP contributions for the past two years because he’s been so unhappy with the performance. He’s already switched financial advisors once (in 2008). Right now ... Keep Reading "How (not) to choose a financial advisor" >
My partner, Kelly Willis, wrote a poignant post last week about the loss of her husband and the estate challenges she found in her path, all during a time she struggled with her bereavement. As a private client lawyer with many years of estate planning under my belt, I wanted to share some of ... Keep Reading "5 things to know when developing your estate plan" >
02/07/2012My husband passed away a year ago last month. We ought to have been prepared. Two years earlier he had been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer for which there was “little predictive data”. We chose to be optimistic. When he died due to complications from surgery I was shocked and ... Keep Reading "Bereavement is bad enough" >