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01/17/2012“Am I wealthy?” It’s a question we are often asked by clients. Given that many of them live modest lifestyles, a lot of them don’t feel wealthy. A study by Fidelity Investments found that 42% of American millionaires do not feel wealthy. The investable asset level at which ... Keep Reading "Do you feel wealthy?" >
01/10/2012Yesterday marked what could be a watershed moment for investors in Europe as Germany managed to sell €3.9 billion worth of six months bonds at a negative interest rate. Marginally negative, but it demonstrates that investors are so worried about the economy in Europe that they are willing to ... Keep Reading "How safe are GICs?" >
I recently had the experience of counselling a long-time client who, despite a very secure financial position, was overcome with anxiety about money. What became clear to both of us after a lengthy and at times emotional discussion was that her anxiety was not about money at all. Rather it was ... Keep Reading "Surviving spouse, it’s okay to spend the money" >
07/28/2011Last week, John Heinzl of the Globe and Mail wrote a good piece on The Difference Between Advisors and Counsellors. He did a nice job of spelling out the key aspects of what it means to work with a professional investment counsellor versus a commissioned salesperson. Keep Reading "Choosing an investment professional" >
It seems the U.S. federal government is turning up the heat on offshore US citizens who aren’t part of the U.S. tax system – and they’re getting more focused on finding them. This potentially has implications for U.S. citizens living in Canada. In an announcement earlier this year, the U.S. ... Keep Reading "IRS targeting U.S. citizens living ‘offshore’" >
Many wealthy parents wonder how their children will manage an inheritance. We spend years preparing our children to be independent; it’s no wonder many wealthy parents are concerned about how money may taint their children’s drive or motivation. Our clients vary widely in their ... Keep Reading "Preview Trust – A perfect Christmas gift from wealthy parents" >
I was given a lottery ticket as birthday gift at a dinner with friends on the weekend. The condition was that we would all share the pot. It was great value to dream for even a few hours of how life could change with $41 million. Sudden wealth via the lottery, inheritance or selling a... Keep Reading "Winning the lottery – a dream for all; a nightmare for some" >
Late 2008 and early 2009, financial markets were in crisis and the world was in deep economic recession. The prevailing wisdom was to invest in ‘obvious survivors’. Food, pharmas and other non-discretionary goods that penny pinching consumers couldn’t live without. Good ... Keep Reading "How entrepreneurs – and smart investors – really succeed" >