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09/13/2018It is, as they say, a nice problem to have: You have been successful at making money. You/your advisors are competent at managing money. And now you want to give some of it away through a pro-active charitable giving strategy. But knowing how to give money away effectively feels daunting. ... Keep Reading "How to get good at charitable giving" >
So you’re hiring a new money manager. You have a host of questions to ask. (See our earlier blog post for a list of questions.) You’ll no doubt want to enquire about the manager’s investment performance and fees. But will you know how to interpret the answers? How do you assess what the numbers ... Keep Reading "Investment performance: what the numbers don’t say" >
08/29/2018With Labour Day approaching, we got thinking about the role of work and why we work, prompted by some research that concludes a surprising number of very wealthy people are choosing to work rather than retire. A Spectrem Group survey of U.S. investors with a net worth of $25 million or more ... Keep Reading "Why some wealthy don’t retire" >
Retail investors should understand the risks and opportunities of investing in alternatives. Once upon a time, alternative investments (e.g. private real estate, private debt, private equity, infrastructure, etc.) were the exclusive domain of pension funds, billionaires and sophisticated ... Keep Reading "Are your alternative investments truly alternative?" >
In recent months, we’ve had numerous enquiries from individuals who are retiring or leaving their employment and wondering if they should keep or commute their defined benefit corporate pension plan. In this post, we’ll outline what it means to commute a pension and describe a real-life client ... Keep Reading "Should I keep or commute my company pension plan?" >
07/27/2018In case you missed it…here’s a sum-up of Newport’s investment strategy at mid-year and beyond. Narrated by Chief Investment Officer, Mark Kinney, this presentation provides an overview of what the Newport Investment Committee is doing in various asset classes and why, and how our team’s active ... Keep Reading "Q2 Investment Strategy Update" >
07/19/2018Looking to indulge in some quality downtime with summer reading at the beach or cottage? Here is a list of recent favourite reads from the Newport team. There’s something for everyone – a diversified mix of history, politics, business, sports, comics and behavioural finance. Last Hope ... Keep Reading "Newport’s summer reading list" >
07/05/2018Sometimes clients ask us, “Am I considered wealthy?” While “wealth” is a highly subjective and relative term, involving many more factors than financial assets, a high-net-worth investor is defined as someone who has more than $1 million of financial assets (i.e. excluding real estate, private ... Keep Reading "How many high-net-worth investors in Canada?" >
“Most people have no idea of the risk they are taking in their bond portfolio.” That was the view of Richard Usher-Jones of Canso Investment Counsel, independent specialist manager for Newport’s bond portfolios, when he met with our Investment Committee this week. There are a couple reasons why ... Keep Reading "Why your bond portfolio could be riskier than your stocks" >
06/26/2018It’s hard to believe we’re half-way through 2018 already. How are you doing against the financial priorities you set for yourself? Has it been awhile since you checked your progress? Earlier this year, we provided our annual financial planning checklist to make it easy to assess. Everyone’s ... Keep Reading "Ready for your 6-month (financial) check-up?" >