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Topic: Life
06/05/2020Some of us walked the streets of Toronto today alongside peaceful protesters who expressed grief and anger over recent events in the U.S., as well as solidarity with other protesters in cities across North America. As a firm, we share many of these emotions, yet we’ve struggled to find the ... Keep Reading "First steps on the path forward" >
For a variety of different reasons, many high net-worth individuals include charitable giving as part of their wealth management plans – whether to reduce tax on large capital gains, drive social change, or unite family around a common cause. During the COVID-19 crisis, the ways some have ... Keep Reading "Stories of charitable giving in response to COVID-19" >
From the onset of the COVID-19 crisis in March, our team has rallied together with two main goals in mind: providing the very best service to Newport Private Wealth clients in a time of market volatility and economic uncertainty, and determining how we could best support frontline organizations ... Keep Reading "Newport team bands together to help fight COVID-19" >
Advantages of donating securities through a corporation In last week’s post, we examined the comparative benefits of making charitable donations of cash versus securities with an accrued capital gain. The short answer: from a tax perspective, it’s far more efficient to make donations of ... Keep Reading "Celebrating the season of charitable giving – Part 3" >
Last week in this blog, we introduced the concept of charitable giving through a Foundation Account at Canada Gives. As promised, this week we look at the tax benefits of donating securities versus cash – whether it is to your own private foundation, a Foundation Account at Canada Gives or ... Keep Reading "Celebrating the season of charitable giving – Part 2" >
10/10/2019For charities, it’s the most wonderful time of the year! The start of the holiday season, when many people turn their thoughts – and actions – to charitable giving. Thanksgiving, November’s “Giving Tuesday” and religious holidays can all inspire a spirit of generosity. There’s also a measure of ... Keep Reading "Celebrating the season of charitable giving" >
07/30/2019With the dog days of summer upon us, you may be looking to indulge in some quality down time of summer reading at the beach or cottage. Here is a diverse mix of recent favourite reads from members of the Newport team. Strangers in Paradise: How Families Adapt to Wealth Across Generations by ... Keep Reading "Newport’s summer reading list" >
Family Day is always a time of reflection for me. It was eight years ago around this time of year that I lost my husband, far too early. It was a devastating time, both emotionally and also practically, as I dealt with the implications of his death on my financial future. I wrote about that... Keep Reading "Make Family Day more meaningful than a long weekend" >
10/04/2018Fall colours, turkey dinners, family gatherings, a statutory holiday … are these your images of Thanksgiving weekend? I was reminded of the roots of Thanksgiving this week – causing me to pause for a time and reflect on the purity of the tradition and all that we can be grateful for. The ... Keep Reading "Thanksgiving beyond turkey and the trimmings" >
09/26/2018One of Newport’s guiding principles of wealth management is to share best practices with our clients. Charitable giving is important to many of our clients, some whom have undertaken amazing charitable projects over the years. Some give directly to charities and others have established private ... Keep Reading "My strategy for charitable giving" >